Are You Following Your Inner Compass?

Our life choices matter. Making correct decisions is what propels us down our correct life path, and can save precious energy and time, and help us avoid a lot of pain and struggle. But do you know how to navigate life choices and make the most optimal decisions each and every time? Find out how!

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Mind Like Still Water

The Japanese expression, "Mizo no kokoro” translates as “Mind like still water,” and refers to quieting the mind and calming the spirit so that you can perceive the world with heightened clarity. Discover how to eliminate non-productive thoughts and mental chatter, and open to doorway to a peaceful, quiet mind, spirit, heart and life.

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Altered States of Consciousness

Ever wonder why out of reach answers and solutions suddenly surface when you’re zoning out? Throughout history humans have experienced moments of insight through natural yet altered states, and now scientists are capable of isolating these moments of clarity. Those who understand brain waves can access creative, problem solving space time and time again – by choice.

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Finding Your Rhythm

Nature has a really deep and resilient intelligence, with seasons and cycles, steadiness, and a keen ability to dance to the beat of its own rhythm - with exquisite timing. Each person's body has its own natural  and unique rhythms as well. Do you know yours? Many health challenges can occur when a person gets out of sync with their own rhythm and push the river. When you are in the flow, in your rhythm, life becomes more effortless!

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Field of Unity

Many people are undergoing significant changes in their lives and feeling the worry or uncertainty of it all. Likewise, the collective unrest is palpable as our world is experiencing huge changes and can feel very polarized. Old forms dissolve and new ones will form in their place. Meanwhile, it can feel as though we have one foot in the old and the other in the new, while being stretched in between.  

Times of great change also offer incredible growth – but first we must transcend fear and embrace the sanctity and perfection of any differences. 

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Mental Laws of Effect

We are naturally equipped with many great things, including a mind and choices, and yet many people don't feel empowered to create significant, desirable change and aren't taught how to effectively use their inner resources. The following Mental Laws of Effect are helpful concepts in re-programming your own mind so that you can bring about the changes that you desire and choose the quality of your life experience.

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Aligning Mind and Body

Aligning mind/body/spirit is possible in many ways. Sometimes it is helpful to reverse engineer the process of change by first changing the body, and then letting the body’s intelligence influence the mind and spirit. Find out how physical movement coupled with the right intention will inherently affect the subconscious level of awareness, which in turn helps our moods, emotions, thoughts, beliefs and life experiences. 

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AlignING With YOUR CORE Values

Does your life reflect your deepest core values?  Taking an assessment of your life and your values can bring you closer to joyfully thriving in life instead of simply surviving it.  If you are not happily and peacefully living joyful exuberance in a fulfilling and satisfying way, then find out more about how to weigh your values and your life.

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Rules of the Mind

Your subconscious level of awareness is continuously recording and storing, which means that everything in your environment is potentially programming your subconscious mind, and always has been! This can be limiting or it can be empowering. The Rules of the Mind are helpful concepts that put you in the drivers seat, so you get to choose how to re-programming your own mind and thus, choose the quality of your life experience. 

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The Wisdom of the Heart

While some may still assert that “The heart is just an organ that pumps blood,” the heart has many other wonders not commonly known. This article covers some recent research on the heart and how its unseen power plays an remarkable role in our lives, beyond the more known phenomenal physiological functions.

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Force of Habit

Often a New Year is marked by new resolutions and intentions. Revamping resolutions and intentions often involve adjusting our habits. A habit can be a powerful force, driving one into automatic, almost involuntary practices as a result of repetition. This article discusses the structure of habit and a process for positive change. Once you understand the component parts of any habit, you can fiddle with its parts and arrive at your goals more easily. 

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Lisa Sandine