Are You Following Your Inner Compass?


Does the above image bring up feelings of curiosity and adventure? Or perhaps uncertainty, indecisiveness or angst? 

How do you choose which way to go? 

Do you ‘use your head,’ ‘follow your heart,’ or ‘trust your gut?!’

Do you trust your truth in the now, or do you ‘sleep on it?’

Our life choices matter. They greatly impact us and other people, and they impact our current life road as well as our future. The ability to make reliable decisions is foundational. But how do we navigate life choices well if we don't know whether to use our head, our heart or our body?! Where is our inner compass? We have to find it before we can follow it.

We all want to navigate right, because deep down we know that effectively making optimal life decisions is what propels us along our correct life course - and correct decisions can save precious energy and time, and avoid a lot of pain and struggle. Undoubtedly, we've all made choices that felt like we took a wrong turn at some point in our lives!  A lot of frustration, anger, bitterness and disappointment can be traced back to the "bad" decisions we've made. So knowing when to say "yes" and when to say "no" can enable us to effectively navigate the many choices on our life road. And how much time must we spend deliberating dilemmas, or the best course of action, or the best timing for taking action? 

That is why I'm offering a course on how to make decisions for yourself and be your own authority.

There is a way to reliably make optimal decisions for your life:

Within you there is a place that resonates with what is good for you and right for you, and it always points you in the right direction. 

Discover this place within you!

Following Your Inner Compass
a two-session live class 
Sat, April 10th & 24th 10am - 12pm Pacific

Understanding how you are uniquely designed to make optimal life decisions is a key component to living your unique path, fulfilling your unique purpose, and enjoying life as you embody the highest and brightest expression of who you are. Join us in this interactive class to find out how to make wiser decisions and unlock your true nature. In this class you will learn about your unique inner compass that steers you towards a better future. Your inner compass empowers you to really take charge of your life because it allows you to trust yourself, your decision-making process and your decisions more. It will also help you remove hesitancy and step into greater levels of confidence! 

Details & registration:

If you can't make the live classes, that’s okay! The course will return. In the interim, any of my Human Design readings will hone in on your unique “Inner Compass” so you can have greater clarity on how to approach life decisions.



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