The Power of Perception
Greetings and a warm Hello,
Did you know that our brains take in approximately 11 million bits of data per second from the outside world? Did you know that we can only process around 40 to 50 bits of data per second? And we are not consciously aware of each of those 40 to 50 bits of data per second, now are we?
That’s right - we take in an enormous amount of information through our five + senses, but we’re not completely consciously aware of all that we take in! We take in through our senses: movement, body language, and behaviors that we see; the words and tone of voice that we hear; vibrations; the touch, pressure or sensations we feel in or on our body; our intuitive senses, etc. We’re not designed to see, hear, sense, feel, taste, know or understand all that there is to understand and know about any given situation.
What’s the benefit of selective processing?
There is a benefit to selectively processing only a small amount of the data we receive. By design we have neurological “filters” in place that allow us to be selective and efficient, and avoid going into overwhelm and information overload. These “filters” determine how we interpret and experience life - they determine what we take in and what we leave out. You can think of this along the lines of maps. Some maps are topography maps that show elevation using contour lines, other maps are road maps and only show various types of roads. In any given map there’s going to be a great deal of information left out in order to put focus on what is most needed. The buildings, the trees, animals and so on are not needed on a road map, and therefore we don’t see them.
What are “filters?”
Now that we know these filters exist and how they help us, what are they exactly? Our filters are a combination of things and vary from person to person. We are complex beings!
These filters are:
our most dominant Senses (visual/sight; auditory/sound; kinesthetic/touch, etc)
our current Emotional State
early subconscious Beliefs
prior Decisions we’ve made
subconscious Memories and Past Experiences, including acute or chronic trauma(s)
deep seated Values
Until we make them conscious, these filters exist at a subconscious level - below our normal every day conscious level of awareness.
Great, so let’s recap what we know so far: We take in a lot, we process very little, and everything filters through our senses, current emotions and a whole lot of things based in the past - such as past experiences, memories, traumas, upsets, decisions, our values - and based on those, subconscious beliefs formed at the age we were at the time. And, to top it off, we’re not consciously aware that all of this is going on behind the scenes!
What lens are you looking through?
These filters are akin to a lens on a camera. And if we don’t consistently pause to question our mind’s impressions, then the lens through which we are looking at the world may be colored, clouded, cracked, distorted, broken or even shattered. Our lens through which we see, our filters, can create distortions, deletions or generalizations of the information we receive. Sometimes our lens is like a stained glass mosaic - creating a kaleidoscope of different patterns and colors through which the world appears to us at different times, in varying circumstances.
Let’s look further at distortions, deletions and generalizations. I’ll give you some examples:
Deletion: Sally gives Max a critique along with a positive pat on the back, but Max hears only the critique and his mind latches onto it and replays it over and over for days on end without thinking twice about the compliment. Maybe the positive compliment didn’t register in Max’s mind at all and he didn’t hear it.
Distortion: Sally gives Max a critique that is reasonable and appropriate to the situation and Max asked for that feedback (again, appropriate), but Max hears criticism and feels disproportionately, deeply hurt, judged, shamed and/or blamed.
Generalization: Perhaps the critique comes in and it’s just part of a big, repetitive theme in Max’s life - everyone seems to be offering unsolicited corrections, critiques and criticisms left and right.
What happens with what we see through our lens?
Peering through our unique lens stirs thoughts, then we ascribe an interpretation, a narrative, a story - our perception - we decide what it means. (Yes, you guessed it - this decision becomes a future filter!) The meanings we hold, our perception, influences what beliefs we form (and yes, belief is yet another future filter!).
Our internal state of being consists of a repetitive cycle of continuous thoughts based on our filtering lens, perceptions and interpretations, our beliefs, combined with neurotransmitter brain chemicals that generate corresponding emotions. Our emotions have a direct impact on our physiology. Our physiology impacts our actions and behaviors. Our actions and behaviors influence the outcomes we see and experience in our lives.
This subconscious filtering process is The Subconscious Outcomes Cascade™. In short:
Outside event -> internal filters/lens -> thoughts -> perception/interpretation -> belief -> emotion <-> physiological response -> behavior/action -> Outcome
This repetitive cycle begins and ends with the lens through which we filter, our thoughts, perceptions and interpretations. Round and round we go!
Does this sound like a cyclical conundrum with no way out? It’s not. These are largely acquired, conditioned mental habits. There is a way out, but first let’s talk about what the out-picturing of an unquestioned mind might look like.
Then what happens?
If we continue to look outward only and don’t investigate our perceptions, several uncomfortable phenomenon can result. These phenomenon fall under the Law of Correspondence, which was first written early cuneiform more than 5,000 years ago. It states that “what happens around us, is a direct reflection of what is happening within us; our internal environments determine our external environments.” The mechanisms of The Law of Correspondence are: Projection, Attraction or Transfiguration.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. ”
A Projection is an unconscious transfer of one’s own unconscious stuff to another person. It happens when we are unaware, suppress, deny, reject or are in judgement of parts of ourselves (aka “shadow”). E.g. The person being critiqued is critical of the person that gave them the critique whilst not owning that they have a habit of criticizing others.
Attraction happens when “we are attracted to and attract to us, people, places, things, and events that correspond to the quality of our subconscious programming and our state of consciousness. E.g. The overachiever, perfectionist woman who unconsciously feels not good enough attracts people into her life who tell her or show her she’s not good enough.
Transfiguration is also known as “pipelining,” this is when strong subconscious thoughts or beliefs from one person are transferred to another person non-verbally. I often see this with parents and children, or anyone with open/undefined Head and Ajna Centers in their Human Design. E.g. Fear of the dentist or fear of flying is never talked about but the child mysteriously acquires the same fear as a parent or other significant person in their life.
Recap: The Subconscious Outcome Cascade™
Great, so let’s sum it all up again because this is a lot of information:
We take in a lot, we process very little of it, and everything filters through our senses, current emotions and a whole lot of things based in the past - and this is our lens through which we see the world. Looking through our unique lens we have thoughts and ascribe an interpretation, a meaning or story - our perception. Our perception directly impacts how we experience life. And can lead to beliefs, which can add to our kaleidoscope of future filters or lens.
If we reject, suppress or deny our issues, we can project our unconscious stuff onto others or attract corresponding things, or even pipeline our issues to those who are open enough and in correspondence. Our thoughts, beliefs and ideas lead to emotional responses. Our emotional responses result in a physiological reaction. Our physical experiences give us an impulse for action or behavior (or not). And that then, gives rise to particular results or outcomes in our life. And, all of this happens in a blink of an eye - whilst we’re not very aware of it!
Everything is Colored by Our Perception
Everything we take in is colored by our perception - every thought, every idea and belief about what things mean, is colored by what we think we know rather than what could be known. It’s colored by the lens through which we look and determines our experience of the world. And a lot hinges upon our perception; our internal lens cascades into a whole host of experiences in our inner and outer reality. Everything in our physical, material world is a reflection of our consciousness and our level of inner alignment. Often the pain and stress we feel is a result of misalignment, inner dissonance, inner push/pulls, and/or spiritual disconnect.
Wow, now that’s powerful! Our perception has a lot of sway with us humans. To understand this more deeply, let’s look at the word itself: The root derivation of the word “perception” comes from Latin, perceptio, which means to ‘seize or understand.’ The Oxford Languages dictionary defines ‘perception’ as “the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses” or “a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.”
So our mental impressions, our perceptions, help us to understand and interpret what’s happening around us. That’s what they’re for. And us humans prefer to understand things because at a primal level, we need to know that we’re safe. We need to determine whether some form of action is appropriate to the current circumstances. You know, stand your ground with the lion or take a cat nap.
“Everything we take in is colored by our perception - every thought, every idea and belief about what things mean, is colored by the lens of what we think we know rather than what could be known.”
Extricating yourself from the cyclical conundrum
“You are what you think. All that you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts you make your world.”
Extricating ourselves from the cyclical conundrum of our subconscious process can be as simple as understanding that everything is colored by our perception and a cascade of subconscious events. Our reality is the result of our mind; therefore, it is subjective and reflects what we believe, particularly about ourselves.
You are not your mind. Nor are you your brain. You are not your body or emotions. You are so-much-more than that. You are an eternal being, living a life in a human body. Suffering is not required - and joy is your birthright.
When we dis-identify with certain aspects of ourselves, and are consciously aware that this subconscious cascade is happening beneath the surface, we can choose to pause and breath, and breath some more… realizing that there is more to be searched for and felt. We can begin to inquire further and go deeper within. We can begin to love the questions more than the answers - and be more curious. Through deep self awareness we can create powerful inner changes and change our world.
The Power of Perception: Choice
The power of perception is a hidden gem. When we are aware of the subjectivity of our perceptions, we arrive at a powerful choice-point in our lives. We can choose to either look outward and take things at face value and believe our thoughts - or we can change the direction of our looking, and go within. We can either linger downstream on the River of Malcontent, or we can go to the source of the river and change it to the River of Love.
Going upstream to the source is more pleasant, more effective, wiser and will result in lasting effects.
The Way Out Is In
The way out is in - the inward journey leads to a way out. Looking within and choosing to ask the important questions opens us up and allow us to dig deeper. Deeper into our own filters, lens, perceptions, thoughts and beliefs. Opening us up to more freedom so we can exit the cyclical conundrum of mental perceptions.
The most powerful questions are going to be directed toward oneself. All of the important answers exist within you. Aligning Within is about going within, looking within and inquiring within and changing your world from the inside out. Self-inquiry questions allow you to explore and transcend your filters, perceptions, projections, programming, and conditioning, so you can raise your level of consciousness and experience your true nature on the River of Love with streams of peace and joy.
Here are several liberating practices that are based in self-discovery:
“Is it true?”: One of the most powerful self-inquiry processes is The Work of Byron Katie.
“Is it okay?”: Another is the brilliant inquiry process by Neelam.
“Our true nature is limitless consciousness.”: Leslie Temple-Thurston of CoreLight has transmitted numerous Jungian based methods for processing shadow and awakening. Her partner, Brad Laughlin, continues her profound legacy and teachings, as well as many of her students.
“What do I need to believe is true about myself in order to…?”: Hypnotherapy is a profound process of unearthing subconscious beliefs that are unwittingly limiting you.
“Is this belief serving me?”: Human Design readings and coaching offers many self-inquiry questions to help you hone your discernment and unravel outdated conditioned patterns that may be unknowingly limiting you. Together, hypnotherapy and Human Design are a powerful combination. Human Design is your map, and hypnotherapy helps you to navigate and get to the source of issues with greater precision and speed.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
How do you know when your perception is clear?
“Misperceptions produce fear and true perceptions foster love.”
When we have done the inner work to change our thoughts and beliefs and clear the mind’s distortions, we begin to experience the true purpose of mind. The true nature of mind is limitless transcendent awareness and creative power. To tap into our transcendent awareness and creative power our perception must be clear - our lens must be clear. And when it is, we no longer produce fear, guilt, shame or unpleasant states. Instead, we produce love, joy and peace. Here, we are relaxed and resting in the River of Love.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
When we liberate ourselves from the past and live more fully in the present, perceiving more clearly, we realize our true essence, we know our heart, and live it more easily. This realization of essence emanates into greater capacity for empathy and compassion, and ultimately love. These are all aspects of a realization of our true being. Then everything emanates from this realization. We face situations and challenges differently because we know the reality of our state of consciousness and that everything is connected.
Remember to Remember
The journey within is not always easy, but it is fairly simple. We are innately equipped with all the inner resources and abilities we need. We just need to be willing and ready. At a deep core essence level we already have what we need to live a spiritually awakened life of ease, peace, unconditional love, and joy. Yet somewhere, early on in life, we forget! We are not meant to live a life of pain and suffering. We are here to transcend and ascend - and remember the truth of who we are. Since we are innately equipped already, it’s not about adding to ourselves or acquiring something we don't have - it's about letting go of things we’ve acquired that aren’t in alignment with our authentic selves. It’s about letting go of what’s not true, and loving what exists deep inside.
Remember to remember that deep inside your heart of hearts, you know who you are and you know deep peace, unconditional love, and joy. You have the ability to bring that awareness into your every day existence, by going within, inquiring within, and aligning within, and awakening to your light.
Blessings From My Heart to Yours,