Bringing Past, Present and Future Together


Greetings and Welcome,

In my livelihood I draw upon a mélange of modalities to offer a holistic, integrative approach which focuses on assisting people in getting in touch with, and living, the heart of who they truly are. Often this involves assisting people in looking along their entire timeline of past, present and future. Often it entails "Healing the Past, Empowering the Present, and Creating the Future.”

To really shine and live the most radiant and powerful expression of who you are often involves...

…Healing the Past.

Have you ever felt "triggered?" If so, that's a clear indication that the-past-is-present. Sometimes we experience recurring situations, feel stuck in old patterns of thought, emotion or habits, or have trouble creating the future we desire. Going back to heal past places that are beckoning for healing is incredibly valuable. And it doesn’t have to be scary or traumatizing! It can be a simple, quick and powerful way to move forward!

Moving forward often includes...

…Empowering the Present.

Do you feel effective in your life? Sometimes people don't realize their power and effectiveness. Perhaps you've been taught otherwise or life has talked you out of your power? Often new skills are helpful, new empowered solutions, new beliefs, inspired ideas and grounded experiences about who you are and what you can do. Empowering you to be you, empowers you to shine through. Only then can your inner genius can then be revealed. A stronger you. A livelier you. A beautifully inspired you. A powerful and effective you.

So you can consciously and deliberately be...

…Creating the Future…

… that your heart and soul desires. If you didn't have to experience something you don't want and are currently experiencing, what would you want to experience instead? Quite often people have great difficulty in answering that question. The lack of clarity on desires can stem from a false belief that it's just not possible, or they aren't worthy, or it's just not in their repertoire of prior experience so it feels all too foreign. Creating the Future includes cultivating deep inner clarity from a place of deep heart and soul connection, inspiring possibility, and guiding you to energetic and embodied alignment. So you shine from the inside out in present time.

Blessings From My Heart to Yours,
