Human Design Readings & More
All readings are bespoke - tailored to your needs and your level of Human Design knowledge.
To book and pay, click the corresponding button below.
Readings are recorded and a link is emailed to you afterwards.
You have the option of choosing either telephone or video readings, or recorded separately and emailed to you as a recorded audio or video that you can watch at your convenience. Your preference can be indicated upon check-out.
Have you been told to “use your head,” “follow your heart” or “trust your gut” when it comes to making optimal decisions for your life, but it’s left you confused and unclear? Or maybe you know that you’re Inner Authority aligns with “trust your gut” but you’re not trusting it yet? Optimal life decisions are a keystone piece to thriving in life, and we are all unique. Activate a deeper connection with your inner truth with this 30 minute intuitive coaching session with Lisa. With an Activation session, you can gain clarity on your unique Inner decision making Authority, hone it, trust it, and sail with greater ease. Whether you are new to Human Design or not, an Activation session can help you navigate your life with more certainty and inner clarity.
This reading includes:
Your foundation Human Design chart
video on your unique Inner Authority
30 minute personal reading and intuitive coaching session that laser focuses in on your unique Inner decision making Authority in the context of the synthesis of your entire design and your level of Human Design knowledge
Your Human Design Revelation reading is a gateway to understanding your true nature, your authentic, unique place in the puzzle of life and how you best manifest in your life. This reading gives you your unique energetic blueprint and map, covers key foundational areas, and goes deeper into advanced areas. It provides profound, clear-cut tools for navigating life with greater ease. Having a Revelation is a wonderful step in the direction you wish to go!
This reading includes:
Human Design charts - your foundation chart and mandala
preliminary video on The Why of Human Design
video on your unique Inner Authority
60 minute personal reading that covers the most key fundamentals of your design (Type, Strategy, Inner Authority) in the context of the synthesis of your entire design (including Variable, Cognition, Environment and more) and your level of Human Design knowledge
Your full Foundation Human Design reading is a complete introduction and foundation to your unique design in two separate readings. A double reading allows you to go deeper into your unique design, have time to experiment with the tools and discover subtler aspects and nuances. It is pivotal in helping you to understand your true authentic nature and your unique place in the puzzle of life. You will receive your unique personal map and profound life changing tools for navigating your life with more ease and clarity, and experience individualized support in your process of building a strong Foundation.
This reading includes:
Human Design charts - your foundation chart and mandala
preliminary video on The Why of Human Design
video on your unique Inner Authority
2 x 60 minute personal readings
The first reading is a Revelation reading (details above)
The second reading covers other key areas (Profile, Channels and more)
It is ideal to schedule these readings at least two to four weeks apart so you have time to play with and experiment with the tools
Life Cycle Reading
A life cycle reading is specific to a particular time in your life, when particular planets “return” to the exact placement they were at the moment of your birth. Each planet transits at a different rate and brings different experiences, themes, and lessons. A life cycle reading can bring understanding of what kinds of experiences you may face and how to navigate through them with greater ease. You can also receive insight and clarity into future signposts. Having an awareness in advance can help you prepare for inner or outer changes and big events.
A Life Cycle Reading can be your:
current Solar Year as the Sun returns to the place it was when you were born every year on your birthday, bringing something new and different for the year ahead
Saturn Returns occur roughly every 30 years in a person’s lifetime. Saturn is a great teacher and can bring challenges when soul level lessons aren’t learned
Uranus Opposition, indicating major mid-life changes and activations, occurring roughly around age 40
Chiron Return occurs around approximately age 50 and brings an opportunity to transform old wounds
Each of these readings can be for you or gifted to someone else! They are aimed at people ages 30 to 60, or at any age for an annual Solar Return.
Intuitive Gifts Reading
Are you wanting to grow your intuitive abilities and inspire deeper spiritual connection? Through the lens of Human Design we can see many of your natural intuitive abilities, which can help you to deepen your trust in this natural part of you and develop it further. In today’s times of AI and automation, this Intuitive Gifts Reading is unique because it is a written report stemming from intuitive, personalized analysis of your unique Design.
This report includes:
Human Design charts - your foundation and mandala
Written Intuitive Gifts Reading, detailing your “clairs” as well as other types of intuitive gifts
It is recommended that you have at least a basic understanding of Human Design, such as a Revelation level reading, but it’s not required
“Thanks to Lisa’s knowledge of Human Design and her intuition, a whole new world opened up for me. Lisa made it so easy for me to navigate such a complex system and I really appreciated receiving support from the moment I signed up through receiving emails and Lisa’s recordings introducing the work. What made the biggest difference for me is Lisa’s ability to boil things down to practical examples how Human Design shows up in my life, so I could immediately start applying my strategy and align with my inner authority. Furthermore, thanks to Lisa’s guidance I find it easier to relate to myself and started uncovering blind spots I never knew existed! I recommend sessions with Lisa to anyone interested in having more clarity in their life.”
Connection (2 people)
Relationships and partnerships can indeed be complex. When individuals come together, each person experiences something new and different. There can be attraction, friendship, and push/pull experiences. Each type of connection has its own dynamics and ways of interacting. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s not - and overall, there is much to be learned!
From a Human Design perspective, we can look at how your energy interacts with another person’s energy and predict what kinds of experiences may arise out of that unique energetic interaction, and what the specific learnings may be. Higher awareness can greatly reduce friction or push/pull in any kind of relationship. Harmony arises out of each person being true to themselves and their Design, while at the same time having greater depth of understanding, compassion, and acceptance for the other person. Then a beautiful interplay can occur between the two and each other’s strengths can be honored. More harmony, peace, and love – what more could you ask for?!
This reading includes:
Human Design charts - individual charts and your combined Connection chart
preliminary video on The Why of Human Design
60 minute personal reading with one or two people
It is more potent if each person has at least a Revelation reading first, yet we can also begin with a Connection reading
Group: Family or Business (3 to 5 people)
Group dynamics are complex. When individuals come together, each person experiences something new and different. There are particular energetic interactions, particularly when it’s a group, known as “penta aura” in Human Design. The energetic soup can bring up challenges.
From a Human Design penta perspective, we can look at how the group energies interact and see what the group strengths and weaknesses are. We can see the effects the various unique individual Designs have on each other. Higher awareness can greatly reduce friction or push/pull experiences in a family or business environment. Greater understanding and harmony can arise when each person has greater clarity on theirs and others natural functions, needs, challenges, strengths and gifts. Then a beautiful interplay can occur between the different energies and each other’s strengths can be honored.
This reading includes:
Human Design group chart - family or business (three to five people)
preliminary video on The Why of Human Design
60 minute reading that can either be on live video or be recorded and sent to you
It is much more potent if each individual has individual readings as well, but you can begin here
Client Reading for Practitioners
Are you a therapist, counselor, coach, or holistic healing practitioner who wants to better understand your clients more quickly and help them experience a breakthrough? If so, a Human Design reading can quickly give you detailed information on each unique client you work with (anonymously; to maintain client confidentiality). You can gain a much deeper understanding of your client and receive insight into their unique needs, challenges, talents, and intuitive gifts, as well as gain insights into how both of your designs energetically interact. You will have the opportunity to submit your questions about particular issues or challenge areas that your client faces prior to the reading, then receive a 30 minute recorded reading addressing those areas and more.
This reading includes:
Your clients’ foundation Human Design chart (anonymously)
30 minute reading of your clients’ design - recorded separately and a link emailed to you
“Lisa has been an incredible guide, teacher, resource, and confidant over the last year. I highly recommend working with her! We started off exploring my Human Design which led to some work on my beliefs about money. She’s an expert in so many modalities and can help pick the one that’s right for what you’re working through. We then spent several sessions going deeper into my design, including a reading with my wife! The insights have been incredible and have opened me up to my full potential and purpose. I feel more aligned and inspired thanks to working with Lisa. <3”
Practitioner Mentoring
Are you a therapist, counselor, coach, or holistic healing practitioner who wants to better serve your clients by incorporating Human Design into your business? Integrating Human Design into your service-oriented business can help you know how best to connect your client with their inner truth, guide them to making decisions in their unique way, assist them in letting go of old patterns of the past, avoid pitfalls, and catalyze positive changes.
Mentoring is for you if you want to further develop your own intuitive Human Design reading ability in order to gain a much deeper understanding of your client and their unique needs, challenges, intuitive gifts and more!
Mentoring Includes:
4 bespoke 60 minute one-to-one sessions with Lisa - biweekly sessions for two months
a monthly a payment plan
3 or 6 Month Integrative Coaching Journey
Have you experienced positive shifts but they doesn’t last? Do old patterns keep repeating themselves? Maybe you feel your untapped potential but can’t see it or don’t know how to get there yet?
Sometimes we need a helping hand on our journey so the positive changes we’ve made can be integrated and sustainable. Having a trusted guide or “coach” can make all the difference. Someone who really gets you. Someone who’s been there, done that. I’ve been there, and done that, and I can help make your step-by-step process easier, lighter, and smoother!
When you join me for a 3 or 6 month coaching journey you get discounted sessions that are on a monthly payment plan. I offer an intuitive, holistic, integrative, and multi-disciplinary approach to coaching sessions, so that you can be supported in harmoniously embracing, integrating, and living your deepest core essence with greater ease.
This holistic, integrated approach can help you to:
Break free of old patterns
Anchor positive transformation so you can fully embody positive changes in a more stable, sustained way
Accelerate your deconditioning process so you can express and live the highest, brightest version of yourself
Awaken and grow your intuitive gifts, be more well-rounded and trust this natural part of you
Be your own authority and find a new level of inner clarity
Guide you on your path of higher purpose and inspire deeper spiritual connection
Make your step-by-step process easier, lighter and smoother
Avoid pitfalls, problem-solve, keep you accountable to yourself and learn new skills associated with your unique design
EnJoy the ride!
“Do you feel as though you are swimming upstream and enduring life?
There is an easier way.
You can effortlessly flow with the current of life, and have the energy to do what you came here to do.
Be who you are.
Being you, living you, and loving you - begins with knowing you.”
Lisa is a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor (Initiator) on the Cross of the Four Ways