The Why of Align Within
Hello and a warm Welcome!
In my sessions I often have clients connect with their What and their Why. Clarity on What they want, and Why do they want it. Because knowing our What empowers vision and aligns action, and knowing our Why ignites purpose, intention and heart in a way that will carry us through any frustrations, upsets, boredom, or distraction.
This is a good time for me to pause and share my heart, my mission and my Why Align Within exists...
Align Within is first and foremost a path of awakening to our spiritual nature. It is a remembering and returning to our natural state. It is about going within ourselves to unearth the deepest, most authentic parts of us.
Align Within exists because I want to be of service in a way that makes a positive impact in the world. For every person that experiences a positive shift through our connection, my prayer is that they go forth and spread their peace, joy and happiness in ever widening circles across the globe.
To Align Within, we must first go within. We must look inside ourselves to discover who we truly are at a heart and soul level in order to find the answers to our questions, and to know what the aligned actions are for us as unique individuals. Thus, Align Within is a path of self-inquiry, self-discovery, and self-transformation. And self-empowerment because instead of looking to the outside to bring us fulfillment, we are fulfilled within ourselves no matter what is happening on the outside. It is about changing the direction of your looking - because everything you need to know is within you, and everything you need and want is sourced in your inner alignment.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”
Through deep self awareness we can create inner changes and change our world because our outer reality is connected to our state of consciousness. Everything in our physical, material world is a reflection of our level of internal alignment. Often the pain and stress we feel is a result of misalignment, inner dissonance, inner push/pulls, and/or spiritual disconnect.
If we want to experience peace in our world and our life, we must first BE at peace within ourselves. If we want more love, we must first BE that love by going within and aligning within. It's an inside job.
“Be the change you want to see happen.”
And I know… it’s not always that easy! That’s why I’m here, doing what I do to support you.
It’s not easy, but it is fairly simple. My philosophy is that we are innately equipped with inner resources and abilities. At a deep core essence level we already have what we need to live a spiritually awakened life of ease, peace, unconditional love, and joy. Yet somewhere, early on, we forget! We are not meant to live a life of pain and suffering. We are here to transcend and ascend - and remember the truth of who we are. This is not about adding to ourselves or acquiring something we don't have - it's about letting go of that which is not true and loving what exists deep inside. It's about loving and letting go. And loving, and letting go some more. Layer by layer, loving whatever arises, and letting go of what is not in alignment, not serving, or not authentic. Love - let go.
Deep inside your heart of hearts, you know who you are and you know deep peace, unconditional love, and joy. You have the ability to bring that awareness into your every day existence, by aligning within, and awakening to your light.
Blessings From My Heart to Yours,