Is Hypnosis the Work of the Devil?
“Is hypnosis the work of the devil?”
Short Answer
No, it’s spiritual work.
Long Answer
When my hypnotherapy practice was relatively new a client brought up the notion of ‘hypnosis being the work of the devil.’ My immediate response was to burst out laughing. The idea was so absurd that I thought they must be joking! Then it hit me: they were serious. I learned that their pastor had repeatedly told the congregation that hypnosis was “the work of the devil.” Images of innocent “witches” being burned at the stake flashed through my mind, but somehow I was still able to be present with this person and put them at ease.
Since then I’ve come to realize that some Christians are truly concerned that by undergoing hypnosis or hypnotherapy they might be going against their faith. Not only that, but they fear for their very soul - that they will risk divine punishment or possession by the devil. This is a serious concern - one that I do not take lightly.
A Misconception
Knowing in my heart of hearts that I am an agent of positive change who has witnessed thousands of clients moving out of the darkness of their own pain, into the light of joy, peace and love, I decided to research the origins of this myth. What follows is my full response.
The great majority of the world religions and spiritual traditions have no issues with hypnosis or guided imagery processes. This concern usually comes from some kind of Christian clergy, where a pastor, preacher or minister told them that the bible or other Christian books teach against hypnosis. In general the Catholic tradition has no problem with hypnosis. The Anglican tradition also has no problem. Lutherans are varied – some for, some against. Mormons are ok with it. Other denominations are changing from against to for, such as Seventh Day Adventists. It appears to be mostly smaller fundamentalist Christian churches who have taught against hypnosis. It appears that they have largely been teaching through word of mouth without a solid study of the subject.
The basis of the idea that “hypnosis is the work of the devil” stems from a misconception around what hypnosis actually is. It is a wildly preposterous misunderstanding. Rather than talking about what hypnosis is not, let’s focus on what hypnosis is, where it came from, and how it’s used.
History of Hypnosis
The healing use of trance states dates back throughout all of recorded history. For millennia, mystics all over the world have known how to access their deeper nature through the power of their inner mind. Healing via hypnosis has its origins in ancient Egypt and Greece. Healing occurred at “sleep temples,” where a priestess or a priest (the healers at that time) would induce a hypnotic sleep for someone who was ill or injured and then whisper prayers of healing in their mind until they were healed. The person would leave the temple rejuvenated, refreshed and transformed.
“Hypnosis” and “hypnotism” are relatively modern words. These words were coined by Étienne Félix d'Henin de Cuvillers in the 1820s. The term hypnosis is derived from the ancient Greek ὑπνος hypnos, meaning "sleep." Around 1841 these words were popularized in English by the Scottish surgeon and philosopher, James Braid. James Braid was a very influential pioneer in the areas of hypnotic anesthesia and chemical anesthesia. His practice was based on the earlier works of a German physician, Franz Mezmer. "Mesmerism" is a term that’s been around since the late 1700’s and is still used today as a synonym for the word hypnosis.
“Look deeper. Look beyond the method and see with and into the heart. When a person’s heart, mind, and eye are clear and full of light, they are in service to the Divine. It matters not the method, tools, skills, and gifts they use.”
Because the word “hypnosis” wasn’t around when the bible was written, it’s not going to be specifically mentioned in the bible. The Old Testament of the bible refers to not engaing with “divination,” “consulting ghosts or spirits” or “a sorcerer” or “one who casts spells”(Deuteronomy 18:10-11). These things are referenced when Moses spoke to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land, and he also states that “You must remain completely loyal to the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 18:13).
The bible also mentions trance states and visionary states, like those entered through deep prayer, chanting, contemplation, meditation and hypnosis: “…the oracle of the man whose eye is clear, the oracle of the one who hears the words of God, and knows the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty…” (Numbers 24:15-16). “The mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night, and Daniel blessed the God of heaven” (Daniel 2:19). Cornelius “had a vision in which he clearly saw an angel of God,” (Acts 10:3) and Peter “fell in to trance” (Acts 10:10) and “in a trance I saw a vision” (Acts 11:5). The bible suggests over and over that during strongly focused deep prayer and meditation, one may drift into a hypnotic trance. It suggests that we can access God and other heavenly beings such as angels through hypnotic trance states. So let’s talk about hypnotic trance further.
What Hypnosis Is
The brains of human beings naturally enter altered states of consciousness on a daily basis. When we are engrossed in a good book, walking in nature, praying or meditating or especially when sleeping. Physiologically, there is no difference between hypnosis, meditation and deep prayer. Trance states happen when we are relaxed and our brain wave patterns shift from predominantly beta brain waves to combinations of alpha, delta, theta or gamma. The specific brain waves indicate the depth of trance.
Definition of hypnosis: “Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state of mind creating extraordinary mental, emotional and physical relaxation.”
Definition of hypnotherapy: “Hypnotherapy is aiding an individual in a therapeutic context while they are in a hypnotic state of mind.”
Definition of self-hypnosis: Self-hypnosis is when a person puts themselves in a relaxed, altered state of mind creating extraordinary mental, emotional and physical relaxation. This is commonly taught by a hypnotist or hypnotherapist in order to help reinforce specific positive beliefs at a subconscious level. It is similar to meditation, but with specific and targeted content applied to assist in relieving a challenge or reaching a desired outcome.
Hypnotherapy is an educational process that helps people. Since 1989, the U.S. Department of Education places hypnotherapy in the Health and Human Services Division of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). This educational process facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist them in solving problems, reducing pain, resolving emotional conflicts, enhancing communications, increasing motivation or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. The CIP identification number for professional hypnotherapy is 51.3603 and falls under “Mind-Body Therapies and Education.” The United States Department of Labor’s Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) identification number for professional “Hypnotherapist” is 079.157.010.
Is Hypnotherapy Witchcraft or Mind Control?
Some people believe that a hypnotherapist has supernatural powers and can control you. This is part of the myth, and we can thank Hollywood for that! If you've ever seen a hypnosis stage show for entertainment, it appears as if the hypnotist is controlling the hypnotized people up on stage, but in actuality, people will never do anything against their will. Rather than selecting people, the hypnotist asks for volunteers. Those people volunteer to go up on stage, thus creating a contract. They know what they are getting into!
In the 1950’s the CIA conducted covert experiments in an effort to perfect brainwashing and mind control with their MKUltra project. They used hypnosis and drugs in an attempt to create a truth serum that would make prisoners reveal secret information, or as an amnesiac that would make their agents carry out atrocities and then forget what they had done and/or who ordered them to do it. After ~10 years of attempting to create the ultimate mind control, they learned that they couldn’t force people to act against their deepest will. While I greatly enjoy the Bourne Identity movie series, and we can thank Hollywood for all the wildly entertaining movies of super skilled people with superhuman abilities - evil mind control is still a myth.
Maybe you’ve heard the word “programming” in relation to hypnosis, and if you’ve watched the Vampire Diaries on TV, you’ve seen vampire “compulsion,” where vampires brainwash humans to act against their will. “Programming” is not referring to fictitious TV “compulsion.” Programming simply refers to how the subconscious level of mind operates. It’s just like a core computer program - it stores and retrieves data, and it responds exactly the way it is programmed. It is very literal. Because the subconscious is always recording and storing every memory, belief and script, we are already "programmed" by our environment. The subconscious is keen on making associations and continually strives to fulfill the agenda for which it is programmed by making everything you perceive, think, say and do fit a pattern consistent with your existing core programming. Everything-in-your-environment-is-potentially-programming-your-mind. And it always has been. If you don’t want your mind to be influenced by outside sources, then it would behoove you to become intricately aware of everything you listen to, watch and read - past, present and future. They are all affecting your mind. Take the reins of your mind and feed it well with positive influences. And for heaven’s sake, turn off Vampire Diaries if it scares you!
A Secret
Here is a secret: all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotist or hypnotherapist gives you the suggestions to relax, close your eyes, breathe deeply, etc and you-decide-to-follow-or-not. The hypnotherapist helps you to relax as you drift into a mental state that allows positive change to happen through access to your own inner mind. It is a state of heightened awareness where your faculties are completely intact, you have choices, and you will remember the experience. You maintain your full agency at all times.
How Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are Used Today
Medical science is catching up to the “sleep temples.” In modern times, acknowledgement of hypnotherapy has evolved into an evidence-based healing modality that is at the heart of mind-body medicine. Thousands of peer-reviewed articles on studies appear in the medical literature pointing to the efficacy of hypnosis and hypnotherapy when used in concert with modern medicine and dentistry. It is a vital aspect of integrative care and has numerous benefits, such as increased patient compliance with physician recommendations, improved outlook, improved symptoms, reduction of claustrophobic feelings during MRI and CAT scans, pain management, reduction of post-operative pain medications, accelerated healing, and the list goes on. It is a method to resolve attitudes, beliefs and mental or emotional habits that are counter-productive. It is a method to resolve pain; emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
With hypnotherapy, we reveal the root cause of a challenge or issue so that sustained healing is possible. We shine the light of awareness and identify old limiting beliefs stored at a subconscious level that are keeping you feeling stuck or in pain. Once unhelpful limiting beliefs are brought to your conscious awareness, you gain Power and Choice. You can complete and heal from past events. The result is forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others - a clear and open heart. You also gain higher understanding and wisdom when the deeper spiritual lesson is revealed. In the lights of awareness, wisdom, forgiveness and compassion, you have a direct experience of your true nature. Conscious awareness of your true essence comes online when your superconscious state is more available by neutralizing limiting beliefs.
Our superconscious level of awareness lies just below our subconscious level of awareness. It transcends normal consciousness and is often referred to as “universal mind of God.” It constitutes our spiritual connection. You know when you are experiencing your superconscious state because it is immensely peaceful and loving; it is a state of bliss and ecstasy. Thus, hypnotherapy can give you access to your deeper self, your essence, your soul, through a clear heart portal. This, in turn, propels you down a path of conscious, deliberate co-creation and manifestation of a life you desire - with increased joy, peace and wellbeing.
The Real Devil: Fear & Ignorance
I want to approach this from the perspective of our eternal nature. We are spiritual beings living a temporary existence in a human body. One day each of us will drop our body, and our eternal nature, our soul, will continue to exist. Even while we are in these human bodies, that soul part of us is connected to the all-that-is. It is connected to the Divine, to God/Spirit/Source/Higher Power/Yahweh/your word. Even when we forget, there is a part of us that is connected to the knowingness of the Divine and knows that God is Love and that we are all connected to each other.
In contrast, there is fear. The reality is that we humans experience fear in varying degrees. Fear is a natural and normal instinctive impulse that protects us from the tiger! It is designed to give us safety, in the now.
Yet we humans fear more than tigers. We fear change, uncertainty, the unknown… we fear the past will repeat itself, and we fear what may not actually happen. The deepest fears of all are the fear of death and the fear of evil.
Much suffering and harm has been propagated in the name of righteous justice and in the energies of fear and ignorance. Fear of evil has justified torture and murder. The innocent people who were wrongly executed for witchcraft were actually the healers, the herbalists, the midwives, the gifted intuitives, etc. Fear of evil created misunderstandings, which ultimately didn’t go well for a lot of people.
It’s not our human nature to kill our own species. In order for humans to do that, particularly with mass genocide, the victims have to be dehumanized in the minds of their perpetrators. Dehumanization stems from fear - fear of what is not yet understood; fear of the unknown; fear of that which is invisible to the eye. Or even fear of our own “shadow;” that which we haven’t seen or owned deep within ourselves. Our “shadow” side then, can get projected out and onto others.
“Judge not, lest you be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.”
Fear creates walls of separation between people. We are deeply conditioned by logic and things of the material world that can be seen with our eyes and proven. There is a distrust of that which is invisible to the eye; that which is more abstract than concrete; that which take Faith. When we aren’t willing to understand someone who is different from us, then we can become suspicious and feel threatened by them. We can judge them and see them as evil, bad, wrong, whatever. Without understanding and compassion, ignorance fortifies those illusory walls.
The Trick
The trick is to realize that fear itself is just an energetic frequency that is used by the ego to keep ignorance in place. It keeps us feeling separate. Without it we see through this illusion. Without it we would be aware of the vast, eternal being that we are - and still be able to run from the tiger if we needed to!
The Treat
The treat is when we can Witness our own fear - because in doing so, it no longer has power over us. It’s just energy- see it, name it, find neutrality, and take your power back. When you are neither attracted nor repulsed by the fear energy that is not you, you set yourself free. It takes the courageous heart of a warrior to align with your higher mind and rally your higher consciousness. With an open and loving heart, you are safe, and the world is a better place.
“When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around it, and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty. ”
The Real Magic: Hypnotherapy
While hypnotherapists do not “cast spells” or perform “hexes,” we do have our own special magic! It’s a magical method of helping you to experience elevated states of consciousness. By shining the light of awareness on the deepest aspects of you and neutralizing anything that is not in alignment with peace, love and joy, you get to have a direct experience of your divine nature.
Thus, the long term spiritual implications of hypnotherapy are that it’s a wonderful tool for awakening to your true nature and feeling more peaceful, loving and joyful while improving your quality of life. At at the end of the day I am at peace, knowing that I am one amongst many incredible lightworkers out there who play a role in helping people have a lighter and brighter existence on earth.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
May you delight in your own special magic today and every day. Happy Halloween / All Hallows Eve / All Saints Day / Samhain!
Blessings from My Heart to Yours,
Rev. Lisa Sandine