What is Soular Alignment™?


Did you know that it takes a lot more energy to be who-we-are-not?

Being who-we-are authentically is much easier because that’s what we’re built for. We’re designed to be true to our nature. When we are true to our nature we raise and expand our individual consciousness, which has a positive ripple effect on the collective consciousness.

Consider a puzzle. Each of us a unique and vital piece of the beautiful puzzle of humanity. We each have our unique role and place in the larger picture. When an edge piece tries to occupy a middle piece’s place, or a middle piece tries to fit into a corner, the entire puzzle is affected. When we don’t occupy our proper role and our space, we may deter others from their right path too. Then everyone involved ends up feeling exhausted, frustrated and discontent! And when we each occupy the space that we are designed for, we open up space for others to do the same and everything works out better and feel better for everyone.

Then why aren’t we all doing it? If it’s so much easier and ultimately helps everyone, why aren’t we all living true to our nature?

There are many reasons and we each have our unique journey. What I frequently see is that many people have lost a connection with their internal wisdom. Life experiences have talked them out of their innate knowingness of the truth that is accessible within them. They have learned to doubt themselves. They have learned to look outside themselves for answers and solutions. They have learned it’s not okay to be who they are. They have learned to stress instead of relax; to worry instead of hold faith; to struggle and resist instead of relax and flow with life; to fear instead of love.

Very early in life people learn to be who-they-are-not, usually in such subtle and insidious ways that they aren’t consciously aware of all the ways in which they aren’t being true to themselves. Often they don’t realize that they are trying to fulfill a place in the puzzle that doesn’t fit who-they-really-are, and that place belongs to it’s perfect piece. Being your piece, brings you peace.

There is an ancient peace that you carry in your heart and have not lost.
— A Course in Miracles

Instead of peace, people unwittingly experience stress, worry, exhaustion, ill health and/or have difficulty manifesting their heart and soul’s desires - and don’t fully understand why. If they haven’t paused to go within, inquire within, and Align Within™, they get through life by living adaptive or maladaptive strategies that they learned at a very young age. E.g. Be an edge piece and live on the edge, even though you were made to fit in the middle. Or be a middle piece because that’s what most people do, even though you may be a very rare and unique corner piece.

These acquired strategies become automated, habituated and internalized. We call these acquired strategies “conditioned patterns.” These conditioned patterns can be patterns of thought, emotion or behavior that aren’t aligned with their true heart and soul, and thus, create inner dissonance and the absence of joy, peace, and unconditional love. As a result, they settle for less than what they really and deeply need and want, often because they aren’t connected to it or don’t believe they can have it.

How about you… are you ready to experience more ease?

Are you ready to relax into your true, spiritual, aligned self?

Are you ready to take up your rightful place in the divine puzzle of life?

You can. With my Soular Alignment Sessions you can drop into who-you-are, become more clear, joyous and thrive with greater ease. You can be at peace, being your piece!

But wait… what? What is “Soular,” you ask? This is a word that I’ve created because it best encapsulates what this work is about. It is about helping you connect and align with your deepest core essence, beyond the human experience, yet in a way that positively impacts your life:

Our soul is our true guiding light and everything in our life is bound to our soul’s mission - just like the planets are bound to the Sun by gravity.

When we stray from our true purpose it’s like we are working against the natural law of gravity. This results in challenge, struggle and inner dissonance.

When we access the light and power of our soul, and live it, we effortlessly pour light into the world.
— Lisa Sandine

Soular Alignment Sessions are individual, intuitive guidance sessions that are tailored to your needs and help you to initiate changes in your life so you can live a soul-sourced life. They are a deeply individual and internal journey that assists you going deeper within to Align Within and rise above it all.

Here are some client examples of healing the past, empowering present, creating the future through SA sessions:

  • Relaxation & Manifestation: One person wanted to be able to handle life better when things didn’t go smoothly. They were in a time of transition and caught in a cycle of worry and fear. With just one session they were able to extricate themselves from an old cyclical habit of worry, and shift their awareness to what they needed and desired at a deep level. They attuned to their heart, envisioned what they wanted… and in less than a week they manifested it in their life! The internal work they did helped their energy field became more magnetic and empowering.

  • Decision Making & Higher Self Connection: Another person received clear insights and strategies on their Inner Authority per the Human Design system, which is how to make life decisions in a way that is aligned and unique to you. They were surprised to discover the ways in which their body’s signals are connected to the inner wisdom of their Higher Self. They realized they had been relying on their “head” and ignoring the signals from their body and heart. They now have solid tools for moving forward in life in a way that is connected to their soul-sourced inner wisdom.

  • Inner Calm & Trust: A different person signed up for a six month Soular Illumination Journey when they were facing a major crossroads in their life. Over the course of time in our work together we use various modalities to get them in touch with her own inner wisdom and knowingness. They moved from inner confusion to inner clarity; from self-doubt to stepping into their wise shaman self; from concern to calmly trusting in the mystery. They also learned powerful processing tools to help unravel deeply held, outdated limiting beliefs and dualistic states that they can use from now on.

  • Access to Intuitive Gifts: Yet another person wanted help with self-doubt and confidence. In four sessions they gleaned insights in to their unique intuitive gifts as revealed in their unique Human Design chart. They felt validated for what they were already aware of, and were excited to learn that they have other innate abilities they weren’t yet aware of. In our time together they were able to connect more deeply with their innate abilities and were empowered to employ them in daily life. They felt more confident and learned to trust the subtle awareness of their soul speaking to them.

  • Healing Timelines & Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs: Another person wanted to address any potential bleed through from other lives where they had energy, shadow or limiting beliefs around doubting their value and worth and the work they do. In one session they were able to heal residue from the most relevant lives that needed addressing. They were able to heal their past, empower their present by aligning their conscious, subconscious and superconscious levels of awareness, and better create their future by tapping in to the inner resources they needed assist them in serving in the way their heart and soul wants to.

  • Transforming the Inner Critic: Another person wanted help sleeping and letting go of non-productive habits. They were surprised to notice how insidious and pervasive their “inner critic” was and the ways in which it affected so many areas of their life. On our journey together, they were able to effectively alter their habituated inner dialog in a positive way - they learned tools for transforming the Inner Critic to a compassionate Inner Ally. As a result, their sleep improved dramatically, they were able to let go of non-productive habits more easily, and the positive effects continue to ripple into more areas of life.

My Soular Alignment sessions have been the greatest gift I have ever given myself. I was approaching multiple forks in the road, so to speak, and I was looking for guidance and support. Lisa offers all of that and more, in what I describe as helping me create a blueprint of what I want this new phase of life to look like. She has so many tips and tools and generously shares her expertise! I started these sessions from a place of concern and I am finishing them in a place of inner calm. I highly highly recommend the 6 month journey, with multiple sessions. Absolutely transformational!
— Inspired Client

Know You - Be You - Love You

With Soular Alignment Sessions you can live a de-conditioned, soul-sourced life. When you access the light and power of our soul, and align with it, everything in life becomes more effortless because we aren’t wasting precious time and energy trying to be something we aren’t. Life flows more easily. When we are walking, talking, breathing and living aligned with our heart and soul as we were designed, life is more harmonious and balanced because we are aligned with our highest nature. That feels more relaxed and joyful, and is more loving, compassionate and wise.

There is peace in living our piece - and allowing others to do the same. Edge pieces are on the edge, middle pieces are in the middle, and everyone is right where they need to be, and at the right time.

The more we each access and live our light, the better it feels, and the more light we effortlessly pour into the world for the benefit of all.


As if I’d slept a thousand years underwater I wake to a new season. I am the blue lotus rising. I am the cup of dreams and memory opening—I, the thousand-petaled flower. At dawn the sun rises naked and new as a babe; I open myself and am entered by light. This is the joy, the slow awakening into fire as one by one the petals open, as the fingers that held tight the secret unfurl. I let go of the past and release the fragrance of flowers…