Lean into the Mystery


Hello and Welcome,

I've been wondering how you are doing in this fresh new year? I am certainly feeling the newness and the excitement of many possibilities! 

January is a time of year when many people embark on new resolutions, intentions, goal setting, or visioning processes. 

Sometimes New Years resolutions or new habits don't stick and are broken soon after, or they fade out slowly as the year progresses.

This happens when we either enter into agreements with ourselves in a malaligned way, or they are the wrong agreements, or we execute them at the wrong time. Any combination of these can derail our highest intentions.

All of these things share an element of wisdom around right timing. So this is what I want to talk about today: Timing, and the energies present at this time, and how you can embrace them in order to Align Within your wisdom more deeply.

The energy for visioning and clarity have been a little slower and a little more murky this January. The energy for clarity just  i s n ' t     q u i t e    t h e r e    y e t . . .

...but it's coming. Let me explain.

Manifest from the Mystery

Planning by January 1st is not correct for everyone. Here's why: January 1st may simply not be the right time for you. Perhaps other foundations need to settle into place. These foundational pieces can be abstract (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, etc) or they can be more concrete (change your environment, etc). Also...

This year in particular the planet Mercury was in retrograde until January 18, which is not supportive of finalizing plans until after Mercury goes direct. Although I don't plan too much around Mercury retrogrades, I do tend to watch it. Typically, when Mercury is in retrograde, those are not the best times for signing important contracts, buying equipment, traveling, and investing in big things.

Next, even though December 31 is the end of the Gregorian calendar, it's not the end of the actual solar cycle. The new solar cycle actually begins later in the month of January - this year falling on January 22 at 6:38am UTC (GMT), which is today. This is when we initiate a new human experiential cycle as the Sun enters gate 41.1. For you Human Design buffs who want to know more about the transits, gate 41.1 is the gate of Imagination. It is an abstract, non-logical, creative right-brained energy that supports us in using our imagination as a source of creative inspiration, possibility thinking, and ultimately manifestation.

In January gate 41 provides a foundational Root energy that we begin every annual solar cycle on. It helps us to maximize development of potential through our visioning and imaginative processes. It opens up the doors through possibility thinking. That's the first step. And from that feelings and desires emerge. Once something is felt, it can be expressed... in time. Our feelings, stemming from our imaginative visioning processes, precede manifestation and is a essential to manifestation. These are things that can't be seen, yet. Rest assured, we manifest from the mystery - from those mysterious things that we cannot see yet.

We also have New Moon energy happening at the moment, which supports the inner journey of introspection as we plant seeds of new beginnings that express themselves in the future.

Hence, this is an optimal time to get that vision board or collage going, get your journal out, connect with your heart, write your Life Vision, or listen to a guided journey that will help you access your own wisdom such as Sphere of Possibility or Your Most Radiant Self

We manifest from the mystery. Lean into the mystery, with faith and trust in your heart.
— Lisa Sandine

Rest in the Mystery

These are introspective times. Whether we notice and embrace it, or override it, our rhythms are connected with our natural world and we feel it. We feel the seasons we are in and experience physiological changes. In winter the lack of sunlight alters our internal clock and causes our body to produce more melatonin, which can change our sleep, mood, and appetite rhythms. 

Here is another way to look at our current cycle:

Like many people, I enjoy gardening. When I look outside now, there's not much to see in my garden. It's a typical short winter day, rainy and grey. Not much sunlight. I planted garlic last autumn, yet I know that even though I can't see it, the garlic is resting deep beneath the soil and slowly laying down roots. It thrives because of its winter nesting period of quiet deep within the soil. It's at this time that garlic is absorbing nutrients and building its own immunity and strength. It's building layers of protection around the tender plant at its core. 

In the spring when the growing season begins I will begin to see little green garlic shoots pop out of the soil, and a few months later the garlic will be ready to harvest. Just like a garlic plant, we need nesting periods in order to build up our physical reserves and take a time out from the outer world. We need that time to be still and rest in the mystery to build up our physical reserves and spiritual immunity. When we are renewed, we are better prepared for our own growing season. 

When we are renewed, we are better prepared for our own growing season.
— Lisa Sandine

The Wisdom of Timing

Many of us are learning the wisdom of right timing, especially the right time to take action. In our current phase it may not yet be time to execute our ideas. When we get impatient and decide to push the river and force things before it's time, things don’t usually go as smoothly. If we push ahead with our usual to-do list and don't create time to pause and reflect, relax, and rest, then what can happen is we feel stuck, burned out, uninspired, lack clarity and creativity, and can't see problem solving solutions. That's us listening to our conditioning rather than following our own internal compass. (Your Human Design chart has clear insights into your unique inner compass - contact me if you are interested in a personal reading.)

If we return to my garden for a moment, there isn't a lot for me to do in it right now. If I took action right now, not much would grow because the environment and climate aren't currently supportive of that. This is the time of year to begin envisioning and imagining what I want to grow later when the growing season arrives. I get out my seed catalog and get excited about new vegetables and flowers, and I review my garden plot and layout, and envision what my future garden will look like - without taking action yet. I feed my heart and soul, and wait. 

Life is our greatest teacher and full of mystery. We are in the cycle and season of resting in the unseen mystery, yet many of us find ourselves backing away from the unknowns out of fear. We want to know the unknowable. We want to control the uncontrollable. We resist the reality of what is true for us in this moment. It’s okay to stop and breathe. We can let go of the need to know and to control, and instead invite in the magic that we never could have seen coming. Leaning into the mystery by embracing it and aligning with the magic of it. In this, flashes of magic are possible! They may come in the form of wisdom, inspiration, creativity, problem solving solutions, beautiful surprises, clarity on a new direction... some of which are to be acted upon at a later time, when the time is right. We create within the realm of mystery. Lean into the mystery, with faith and trust.

It’s time to rest in the mystery, in the unseen. When we do, flashes of magic are possible.
— Lisa Sandine

Leaning into the Mystery

If you settle into the energies of the season and cycle we are in, you can be better prepared for your future time of great growth and manifestation. This really is a time for slowing down, embracing stillness, and going within to review, so you can Align Within and recalibrate on all levels. It is an ideal time for deep rest and renewal. What that can look like is deepening into your self-care practices, carving out time for solitude or your favorite leisure activity, incubating your creativity, journaling, and dreaming. It can look like a variety of inward, self inquiry processes that take you deeper into your heart of hearts. You can do it on your own or it can be guided. Whatever you choose, keep it simple and gentle.

If you wish to know more about the services I offer that can help you in accessing your own wisdom, feel free to reach out to me

I am wishing you a bright 2023 full of all the best things in life! 

From My Heart to Yours,

P.S. To celebrate with you I have a handful of audios on sale that can greatly support you in your inward journeying! Here are a couple highlights:


This is a meditative, guided-imagery audio with a hypnotherapy twist! With it you can relax into your manifestation ability! A powerful platform to gain clarity on what you want in your life, and connect with your heart, this audio can awaken and empower your creative genius. With it you can line up your energy in a way that attracts more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. You are a powerful and effective co-creator.

Your Sphere of Possibility awaits!

This meditative, guided-imagery audio is a powerful platform to gain clarity on your most soulfully successful self - the most radiant version of you, out of all possible future yous! This audio is a profound guided journey that will lift you up, awaken and empower your highest vibration while allowing space for you to gain your own wisdom, clarity and insight. With it you can line up your energy in a way that attracts more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. You are a powerful and effective co-creator.

Your Most Radiant Self awaits!