About Human Design
What Your Human Design Reveals
Human Design is a path to healing, empowerment, self-actualization, and creating the life you were meant to live. It is the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach! Your Human Design reveals in-depth information regarding your true nature, who you are - how you are designed uniquely and authentically, beyond conditioning and imprinting. It shows your soul’s curriculum for your life: where you get tripped up, what patterns could be operating, what needs to be transformed, aligned, healed and released in order for you to awaken to the exquisite brilliance of your true nature.
It also reveals your role in relation to others - how to best leverage your strengths, how to navigate and transform your weak spots or challenge areas, how to be your own authority and how to take your unique place in the world. Human Design shows you solid strategies to navigate life and provides clear ‘how to’ information that you can begin to apply and experiment with in your day to day life, assisting you in floating with the current instead of swimming upstream or pushing the river.
What the Process Looks Like
Your Human Design chart, or bodygraph, contains within it a great deal of information about your energy blueprint, your “design.” The knowledge and wisdom has immense depth and breadth! It takes time for a person to fully integrate, assimilate and express their design optimally. You living your highest, brightest, fullest expression of you is a process of “deconditioning,” a process of letting go of what is not you, while learning to live true to your nature.
Ideally you begin with a Foundation reading that will give you a vital, foundational layer of information, including solid strategies to begin experimenting and playing with, and trying on in relation to your own life. Then when you feel ready (usually two to four weeks later), you return for another reading that will reveal the next layer of information on your unique design. Next, when you feel ready, you can integrate further with supportive Integrative sessions (akin to coaching) that will help you problem solve, refine your understanding and develop the skills you need to let go of old, unhelpful patterns and align with new, empowering patterns (most people choose once a month). Your journey towards self-actualization is step by step - stepping out of what’s not you, and stepping into the real you.
Basic Elements of Your Human Design Chart
Your bodygraph shows your…
1. Type
2. Strategy
3. Theme
4. Inner Authority
5. Profile
6. Definition
…and so much more!
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.”
Terminology and Language
If you are already familiar with Human Design you may notice different language and terminology below. I have chosen to include the new language of “Quantum Human Design,” coined by Karen Curry Parker. The transformed language and descriptions are more empowering, positive and expressive, and speak to Who You Truly Are rather than speaking to the inauthentic self (“not self”). To bridge the old and the new I am using both terms together at this time.
Energy Type
We each have a unique electromagnetic field of radial energy, or aura, around our body that extends up to 3 meters / 9.8 feet. This field has it’s own unique non-verbal language and is communicating all the time. Each “Type” in Human Design, is differentiated by their unique aura mechanics. It’s important to understand the mechanics of your particular auric field, how it silently speaks to and effects the people whom you come into contact with - which is about your purpose. Type highlights the way in which different human beings are designed to interact with each other. Much like the cells within our own bodies, we all interdependently and symbiotically interact with each other. And just like the different types or groupings of cells in our bodies denotes their main function and purpose, our Type in Human Design tells us our main role and function in the larger scheme of things. Type could also be likened to the different types of files on your computer - a word doc, pdf, excel, etc - different types of files have different functions and serve a different purpose.
There are five unique Types of humans:
Initiators / Manifestors - 9% of the population
Alchemists / Generators - 36% of the population
Time Benders / Manifesting Generators - 32% of the population
Orchestrators / Projectors - 22% of the population
Calibrators / Reflectors - 1% of the population
You fit into one of the above broad Type categories because your body shares the basic aura mechanics with every other person within your Type classification. Of course there are many, many other little nuances in a design that make each individual brilliantly unique and vital!
Types can also be subdivided or grouped into “energy types” or “non-energy types.” And Types can also be grouped into “Sacral beings” or “non-Sacral beings” which speaks to whether your physical energy is going to be consistent or inconsistent.
The Types in Action
The physical energetic aura mechanics of each Type supports their role and purpose, and says something about the physical energy that is available to each Type as well.
Generally speaking, here is an example of the unique roles of the 5 Types:
Initiators / Manifestors - The Initiator (Manifestor) has a direct, non-verbal connection to divine inspiration. When they receive a divinely generated and inspired impulse for action and feel the internal alignment and sense of right timing, they are then designed to “initiate” others into action. Their role is to follow through on the inspiration with aligned action. They serve as transformational agents of positive change. It is most appropriate for the Initiator (Manifestor) to “initiate” the Alchemists and the Time Benders because that is what they are built for. Initiators have a big, movement-making energy that has an intensity to it that is felt by others - consciously or unconsciously. They are the catalysts. They are the billiard ball at the billiard table. They are designed to start things but not necessarily finish it or maintain it because they don’t have sustained, consistent energy. Their energy operates in powerful and bold bursts, followed by a period of recovery. They are “Energy beings” but also “non-Sacral beings,” which means their energy pulses on/off, on/off. Initiators/Manifestors can experience fatigue, exhaustion, or burnout if they are not initiating, if they are following others, etc, or if they are trying to sustain consistent workforce energy rather than honoring their unique flow of energy and allowing cycles of rest.
Alchemists / Generators - The Alchemist (Generator) turns inspiration into form by responding to the right opportunities. They have an open, enveloping, inclusive and magnetic auric field that attracts people and opportunities to them - so they are designed to allow life to happen and wait to respond to those things that give their gut a yes signal. If they are forcing action before it’s time, then usually frustration results. Because of their powerful Sacral life force energy, which is consistent, they can work in a sustainable fashion. However, to be happy and to have sustained energy they must being doing only the right work and right life force opportunities - they are here for mastery. To recharge: Their energy is designed to be used up throughout the day, and they will restore each night with quality sleep if they get enough exercise and plop into bed exhausted.
Time Benders / Manifesting Generators - The Time Bender (Manifesting Generator) turns inspiration into form by responding to the right opportunities, and to physically manifest creativity in a speedy, efficient way. The Time Bender (Manifesting Generator) is tough to miss! They are a hybrid; a blend of the Initiator (Manifestor) manifesting energy and the Alchemist (Generator) mastery. Their energy is dynamic and fast. Just like the Alchemist (Generator), they have an open, enveloping, inclusive and magnetic auric field that pulls people and opportunities to them - so they are designed to allow life to happen and wait to respond to those things that give their gut a yes signal. If they are forcing action before it’s time, then usually frustration and/or anger results. Honoring their gut response to life happenings and waiting for right timing is crucial. Once their receive the internal green light from their gut, they are designed to inform all those who are in their impact field (just like the Initiators/Manifestors), and then they move at lightning speed! Because of their powerful Sacral life force energy, which is consistent, they can work in a sustainable fashion. However, to be happy and to have sustained energy they must being doing only the right work and right life force opportunities - they are here for mastery. To recharge: Their energy is designed to be used up throughout the day, and they will restore each night with quality sleep if they get enough exercise and plop into bed exhausted.
Orchestrators / Projectors - The Orchestrators (Projectors) are designed to wisely guide the process, to align everyone, to offer their clear view to others. They have a gift of keen perception and deep, penetrating clarity on others and the patterning of life itself. They carry knowledge, insights and wisdom that can improve our world and give them a deep sense of success. However, the internal energy and wisdom of the Orchestrator (Projector) is activated through invitation and through being recognized. They must first be seen and invited to share their insights in order to be heard and to be effective. If they speak before being recognized or invited, their precious insights are not heard or valued. This can lead to feelings of bitterness, blaming others or oneself, exhaustion and loss in trust of life itself. They are a “non-energy” Type and a “non-Sacral” Type, so their energy is inconsistent and must be used very selectively and wisely, by following their Strategy and Inner Authority.
Calibrators / Reflectors - The Calibrators (Reflectors) are the barometers and can perceive whether something needs to be calibrated along the way. They bring things into alignment. Comprising only 1% of the population, they are rare and deeply mystical, spiritual beings. They “reflect” or mirror to others the current condition or potential. Their energy samples life around them. And because they have all 9 Centers open and receive outside energy in an amplified way, they have a deep, visceral sense, knowledge and feeling about what is possible. In order to reflect a higher potential for themselves and their community, they must be in the “right place” with the “right people.” Calibrators (Reflectors) do best when they honor their need for time alone in their own energy, and allow a time-abundant process for decision-making. Allowing decisions to be made over at least one full lunar cycle gives them an opportunity to tune in to their own needs and wants.
Example of an interplay between the Types:
The Initiator (Manifestor) receives a divinely-generated impulse for action, an idea, and then informs anyone in their impact field before taking action. They also “initiate” the Alchemists (Generators) and Time Benders (Manifesting Generators) into action. The Alchemists and Time Benders involve themselves if they receive an internal green light from their gut. Then they get to work creating, transforming and bringing things into form. The Orchestrators (Projectors) wisely guide the process. The Calibrators (Reflectors) are the barometers and can judge whether something needs to be calibrated along the way.
Theatre example: The Initiator (Manifestor) would be the theatrical Producer and would find and collaborate with the Director, and hire other support personnel. The Director would be the Orchestrators (Projectors). The Alchemists (Generators) and Time Benders (Manifesting Generators) would be the crew of “lights, camera, action!” and bring everything into form. The Calibrators (Reflectors) observe and watch, and judge whether something needs to be calibrated and improved.
Strategy and Type are linked. Each Type has a unique Strategy for operating in the world optimally. Each Strategy is based on the mechanics of your physical body, your unique energy, electromagnetic field or aura. Following one’s Strategy will put you on a path of experiencing the least amount of resistance in your life. Initiators, Alchemists, Time Benders, Orchestrators and Calibrators all have different Strategies, which help them to each live out their unique and individual design as it was meant to be lived out. This opens the door to our highest expression of our design and allows us to live our life purpose with more ease, joy and peace.
Each Type has an emotional “Theme” which is an indicator for whether a person is operating correctly for their design or not. When we are each living our design and following our unique Strategy and Authority, we are going to experience more of the positive emotional Theme of our Type. When we are not following our Strategy and Authority and we are attempting to override it by “figuring out” our lives and living our conditioning/imprinting, we will experience the not so comfortable emotional theme of our Type.
There are other, more nuanced indicators in each person’s chart as well, but these are the major emotional themes:
Initiators / Manifestors - Anger vs. Peace
Alchemists / Generators - Frustration vs. Satisfaction.
Time Benders / Manifesting Generators - Frustration &/or Anger vs. Satisfaction.
Orchestrators / Projectors - Bitterness vs. Success.
Calibrators / Reflectors - Disappointment vs. Surprise.
Inner Authority - How to Make Decisions for Yourself and Your Life
Do I “use my head,” “follow my heart” or “trust my gut?”
Inner Authority is referring how to best make decisions for yourself for your own life, based on your energetic design. Authority helps us to be our own authority - I like to call it our “Inner Compass.” Most people are taught to make mental decisions - to figure it out, use your brain, be logical, analytical, rational. Yet as a hypnotherapist who specializes in mind, I can tell you that truly the mind is a trickster! The mind is open to influence (everything in our environment is potentially programming our minds – consciously and subconsciously). Your conscious mind is only aware of the black/conscious in your design, and not the red/unconscious – so it is truly not even aware of the totality of you! Furthermore, the mind is suspicious, it’s doubtful, it’s confused, it wants to know the unknowable, it has false answers and opinions, it can rationalize anything, is swirling with ideas, it ping-pongs back and forth… and if it’s in charge it will override the needs of your body, which can be unhealthy. The mind is incredibly useful, valuable and has its gifts - it’s just equipped to decide our lives.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein
The result of mental decision-making can be the experience of resistance in our lives, the undesirable side of the emotional theme per our Type and it will steer us off of a smooth life course, sometimes deterring those opportunities and people that are correct for us.
The mind does, however, have an important and beneficial role! It can be a wonderful ally. The mind can serve as a brilliant neutral witness, witnessing our thoughts, emotions, actions, etc, so that we can have higher awareness and make conscientious shifts. The mind is a perfect place for asking questions, being curious, seeing possibilities, dreaming, envisioning, imagining, creating, connecting with our cosmic consciousness and stimulating positive emotions that help to calibrate our hearts. And your exalted mind is also here to articulate it’s lessons, knowledge and experiential wisdom to other people. It can share something of value to others when they ask.
How do we make decisions correctly then? We are actually designed to make decisions based on the wisdom of our body. Our body is our life - without our body we don’t have a life. Our body is incredibly intelligent and wise, and not open to programming or the tricks of the mind or ego. Our body resonates with what is good for us and right for us, and it will always point us in the right direction!
In Human Design there are 7 different kinds of Inner Authorities (Inner Compasses) and each individual has one. It is listed on your Human Design chart:
Creative / Emotional Authority - “my feelings decide over time”
Evolution / Pure / Sacral Authority - “my gut feelings decide through response”
Mastery / Splenic Authority - “my instincts decide in the now”
Will Power/Ego Authority - “my will decides” (Manifested or Projected)
G / Self-Projected / Identity Authority - “the voice of my heart decides”
Environment (No Inner Authority) - “my environment helps me decide”
Lunar Authority - “the moon cycle helps me decide”
Of course these are an oversimplification! Inner Authority is intricately connected to Type and other little nuances in each individuals chart. Of these 7 Authorities, approximately 50% of them have access to their truth in the NOW and can therefore make life decisions quickly, and for the other 50% “there is no truth in the now” so life decisions are best made over time. It is immensely helpful to know not only your own Inner Authority, but those of your loved ones, co-workers and friends. This helps create harmony and understanding between people.
“The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.” - Robin Sharma
In general your Profile shows a clear picture of your natural behavioral style and your personality style that you display to the outside world. It is how you interact with the world. As with everything in our design, having this information can help you choose how you want to express your energy. We have freedom of choice - we can choose to express the lower vibratory expression of a particular energy or we can choose to express the higher vibratory expression of a particular energy in our design.
There are 12 different Profiles, and they fit into 3 distinct geometries or categories. These geometries say something about the possibilities and potentials and the specific way(s) we are designed to interact with and impact others as part of our unique life purpose.
Right Angle Profiles – Personal Destiny: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6
Left Angle Profiles – Transpersonal Karma: 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3
Juxtaposition Profile – Fixed Fate: 4/1
In general, our Definition points to how our mind will engage and what patterns or tendencies will arise when we make mental decisions instead of following our Inner Authority or Inner Compass.
Mechanically and visually, Definition in your chart refers to how your defined energies connect or don’t connect.
Definition can be: Single, Split (Large or Small), Double Split, Triple Split, Quadruple Split and No Definition. A couple of examples: “Single” definition means that your defined energy Centers are all connected through channels. This means that they are dependably communicating with each other. “Split” definition means that you have two separate areas of definition in your chart that are disconnected from each other. There can be “Large Splits” or “Small Splits,” which refer to how much distance is separating the defined parts.
An example: If you have a “Split” Definition, this can manifest as a strong sense of being drawn to people who bridge your split - who carry energies in their design that connect your areas of definition. That brings you a sense of wholeness (even though you are already truly whole!). This could have general relationship implications because it’s possible to be blinded by these bridges and drawn to people who otherwise aren’t healthy for us.
There are 9 Centers on the bodygraph/chart, and they correspond to the Hindu chakra system. If you are a Calibrator (Reflector) Type, these 9 Centers will all be white. If you are any of the other Types, you will have unique combinations of colored, or “defined,” Centers and white, open, or “undefined,” centers. Although the flat, 2D bodygraph shows these Centers in a certain configuration, it is not representative of their location inside our bodies!
In general, the Centers receive and transform the energy that circulates in the entire system. Each Center has biological correspondences as well as significant mental, emotional and behavioral patterns associated with them.
Colored in, or “defined,” Centers and other areas in your chart are energies that are who you are, they are consistent within you because they are internally sourced. Centers that are white, open, or “undefined,” in your chart are not energies that you hold consistently, and are energies that are externally sourced – they are turned on and off by other people or planetary transits.
Undefined Centers (and all white areas in our chart) show us where we are open to outside influence, conditioning and imprinting and where our greatest challenges and pain are - likewise, they also show us where immense wisdom is available to us. Robin Winn refers to open Centers as “God Portals” because they are places of pure possibility. Here, at the Centers, we can transform pain into possibility.
Incarnation Cross
Your Incarnation Cross speaks to the life purpose that you are here to embody. It is a role and purpose that naturally emerges out of you when you are operating in alignment with your true nature (in this case, by following your Strategy and Authority).
Gates / Hexagrams / Gene Keys
Human Design “gates” correspond to the 64 numbers that you see throughout your central bodygraph. They correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the Chinese IChing, and also the 64 codons on our DNA. The Gates that have color are your energies, they are “defined,” and the Gates that are white are not energies that you hold with consistency, they are “undefined.” Just like the Centers, the colored/defined Gates are consistent within you, and the white/undefined Gates are inconsistent because they are turned on/off by outside influences such as other people or planetary transits.
The gates also correspond to Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys, which show the entire continuum of possible expressions of each energy gate - from polarized “Shadow” side to the natural “Gift” to “Siddhi” power. As I often say, we have free will and choice - we get to choose how we are going to express all of our energies in our design. For every energy in our design, there is a lower vibratory expression option (Shadow) and higher vibratory expressions (Gift and Siddhi) as well. Knowledge is power! It gives us power of choice.
Lines - and More
Each of the 64 Gates / Hexagrams / Gene Keys has six possible Lines, 1-6. These lines correspond to the Chinese I Ching lines of each Hexagram and say something more specific about each Gate.
Beneath the Hexagram Lines 1-6, there are deeper layers known as Color, Tone and Base. Each Line has 6 possible Colors. Each Color has 6 possible Tones. Each Tone has 5 possible Bases. We are truly unique!
A Channel is formed when two Gates meet and they form a colored in line or channel that connects two Centers on your central bodygraph. When two gates come together to form a Channel a third energy becomes available. When activated, Channels allow the Centers to communicate because energy flows freely. There are 36 Channels, corresponding to the configuration of the Kabbalah or Tree of Life. Your Channels say a lot about you as an individual, and a lot about your interactions with others. They become a central reading point in Partnership Readings, as an example.
In Summary…
As you can see, there is so much detail and nuance that is unveiled as you go deeper and deeper into your design. It’s tempting to stop at the Type, Strategy and Inner Authority, but that is just scratching the surface! It’s helpful to know about and contemplate other areas of your design in relation to your own life (Profile, Centers, Gates, Incarnation Cross, and more). As you experiment and play with it and sit with it, you begin to see and feel how much it is a path of awakening, and it validates and empowers you and your life process, path and purpose.
I first came across Human Design in 2006 and learned a little about my Type (Manifestor) and my Strategy, yet not my Inner Authority. A valuable seed was planted, yet I was so far away from experiencing life as my Type! Not only was it foreign, I was not equipped to go from where I was to where I wanted to be, given the small amount of information and my own conditioning, patterning and process. So being the explorer that I am, I continued on my path of self-discovery without much attention placed on Human Design. In 2013 I had my first Human Design reading. Everything clicked for me and resulted in a big shift. It inspired me to embark on my own Human Design process in a more deliberate and conscious way. I gained tools, studied, experimented, had many readings, coaching, mentoring, took classes, studied some more - and I continue to be inspired and intrigued at the depth, breadth and profound accuracy this system offers both myself and my clients. It can be life changing!
Coaching & Mentoring
Because I know all too well how challenging it can be to institute positive, sustainable transformation and integrate it and live it fully, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a trusted mentor and coach along the way. It is a step by step process. As you go deeper into your unique design, you can discover subtler and subtler aspects of your consciousness that can help accelerate your positive transformation - with ease, clarity, empowerment and wellbeing. I can help you on your journey as your coach and mentor.
Know You • Be You • Love You
Being you,
is the most natural thing you can do.