
To Align Within & Express Your Highest Potential

Are you feeling a bit scattered or overwhelmed … or are you feeling "grounded?" Are you feeling like you are expressing less than your full potential in life … or have you manifested your true heart’s desires? 

Grounding your energy is an important aspect to Aligning Within, feeling joy and peace, fully thriving and expressing your highest potential in life.

What does it mean to be “grounded?”

To be "grounded" means that our energy is grounded and we're staying connected with the earth, energetically speaking. Grounding is a way of managing our energy, both in our physical body and our subtle energetic bodies. It is especially important for empaths and/or highly sensitive persons (HSPs), who often feel overstimulated and overwhelmed in the world. When we are grounded we have a deep connection with our physical body and the physical realm of earth, while concurrently having a deep awareness of our spiritual nature. Grounding is our inner Yin foundation to our outer Yang expression. When we are grounded we have increased clarity, and feel calm, comfortable, centered, and empowered. It's much more comfortable - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally! 

This self-paced video class provides information on what grounding is, why it’s important and some ideas on how to do it. Also included is a brief daily meditation audio, and a longer reprogramming audio.

Within you is your radiance - it simply waits for you to ground it & express it

Can you relate to the challenges of being ungrounded?

  • Feeling scattered, overwhelmed, flighty, dizzy, floaty

  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating; forgetfulness

  • Indecision, lack of clarity

  • Getting caught in dramas and chaos more easily

  • Weak boundaries in relationships and around your time and energy


You can be more Grounded and be …

  • Mentally calm, clear and focused

  • Emotionally calm and centered

  • Spiritual equanimity, compassion and love

  • Healthy boundaries; able to respond to life in a calm way

  • Full expression of your highest purpose

What people are saying…

Wow, this is a REALLY wonderful set of recordings! I now truly have such a more expanded understanding of what it means to be “grounded.”
— Kathleen McLeroy - Portland, OR
The overall effect of this course is that it brought me a great awareness of moving the power centre away from ‘total head’ to ‘mostly heart,’ and of course sacral and earth connection. Lisa’s energy is very heart centred to me, so this shone through in a big way. Thank you so much for this beautiful gift, Lisa!
— Inspired Student - UK

This course includes…

  • 40 minute self-paced video class on Grounding - what “grounding” is, why it’s important, and how to ground

  • Grounding & Centering audio

  • Tree of Your Life meditation audio

Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.
— Thich Nhat Hanh



Grounding Class + supportive audios

on sale - $44

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
— Kahlil Gibran